5 Ways to Lose Weight for You Who Love to Eat
When looking for a way to lose weight, many people use how to reduce the portion of a meal, or even reducing the number of meals. In fact, there are the type of person who likes or hooked. For people like this, restricting food is torture and it becomes difficult to do. How to lose weight if you like to eat 1. Eat small plates sharing Packed with small plates can keep you can eat the foods you love, but with fewer servings. Researchers at the University of Groningen found that 70% of the plates that look full, it is more popular while eating. So, using small plates might make as if your plate is full. But if left to the plate normal portions a little more. It can also trim the excess caloric intake. You can eat great numbers without having to make the needle move towards the right scales. 2. Choose carbohydrates containing plenty of fiber, such as whole wheat While fulfilling the desires of the self who always want to eat, it's good You slowly replace the carbohydrates you with f...